Friday, March 6, 2015

Girl's Basketball NECIS tournament- Northwest European Council of International Schools)- Dusseldorf, Germany 2015

This past weekend (Thursday, March 5 - Saturday, March 7), we spent the weekend watching Maya and her U12 Girl's basketball play in the NECIS tournament in Dusseldorf, Germany. Maya and her team, along with the other U12 boys' teams and the U14 Girls' and Boys' teams, bussed to Dusseldorf on Wednesday, staying in a hotel for 3 nights and having a TON of fun. We were very surprised that Maya decided to play basketball (she declared after last year that she had ZERO interest and was never going to play she says she likes it as much as soccer!).  Playing has allowed her to not only learn the game of basketball, but to make some solid friends here in Amsterdam, which has made her very happy. Her team went from barely being able to play, to actually looking like they were playing basketball- so much improvement over the course of the past three months.

The team went 4-1, losing in the Semi-finals by 6 pts, and overall coming in 3rd. They played well, had fun and should be very proud of themselves!

Driving with the left hand!

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